The actual application of the conference room LED display might cause harm to the display for a variety of reasons. It needs to be immune to dampness, heat exhaustion, fouling, corrosion, static electricity, animals, and timely maintenance and inspection.

Check if the wiring and power plug of the first module with an abnormal data signal orientation are in good contact. A number of modules cannot be constantly lighted or are abnormal. It can be switched if the led module is not able to light up, which indicates that there is no switch power input. Consult the power supply department or use a digital multimeter for verification.
If one module does not light up, check if its switching power supply is functioning properly. If more than one module exhibits color disorder and inconsistency, this might be due to a poor data signal transmission column contact. Next, see if the module's power plug is loose. To replace the tested column line, pull and re-insert the line. You can investigate whether there is an issue with the PCB board connector if an issue arises when changing a good strip cable line.
How to make sure the lone lamp is off: To determine whether the conference room's LED display is broken, use an instrument. If the light is broken, replace it by following the fifth step listed below. The real technique for measuring lamps is to use a digital multimeter in the resistor X1 part, link the led's positive stage to the digital multimeter's black DC ammeter, and connect the negative stage to the red DC ammeter. The precisely calibrated bulb will work if the led is on. if the light is turned on It is not a very excellent light for precise measuring if it is off.
Under-maintenance LED (uncontrollable point): Based on the particulars, select one of the following maintenance techniques to assess the led's condition during the single-lamp examination. Keeping the face clean: The face shield may be taken off with a corresponding screwdriver. Put the protective mask back on and replace the lamp. The original conference room LED display screen is restored once the light is changed and the colloidal solution is sealed. To perform maintenance, tighten the screw on the back side. To do this, unscrew the screw on the back side to disconnect the power plug and data signal cable, unintentionally remove the module from the sheet metal hole, and then move to the back side of the main chassis. facial maintenance technique.
Post time: Mar-26-2024